domingo, fevereiro 17, 2008

Health-care plan in ancient Egypt - Plano de saude no antigo Egipto

According to Jackie Campbell at the KNH Center for Biomedical Egyptology at the University of Manchester: "Although often prefaced by a prayer or spell, each prescription provides all the information needed to reproduce the remedy, from its ingredients and method of preparation right down to the dose." If she's right, the history of medicine needs rewriting.
Segundo Jackie Campbell do KNH Center for Biomedical Egyptology da Universidade de Manchester: "Embora muitas vezes precedida de oracoes e feiticos, cada prescricao providencia toda a informacao necessaria a reproducao do remedio, desde os seus ingredientes emetodo de preparacao ate a dose." Se ela tiver razao, a historia da medicina precisa de ser reescrita.

The biggest obstacle to determining the ancient Egyptians' grasp of pharmacology has been translation, their pharmacy records left on a handful of papyrus scrolls in a long-forgotten language.
O maior obstaculo para determinar o ambito que os antigos Egipcios apreendiam da farmacologia tem sido a traducao, os seus registos da farmacia deixados num grupo de rolos de papiro numa linguagem ha muito esquecida.

Dr Jackie Campbell
Faculty of Life Sciences
Jackson's Mill
PO Box 88
Sackville Street

Egyptians, not Greeks, were true fathers of medicine.

Os Egipcios, e nao os Gregos, sao os verdadeiros pais da medicina.

Scientists are examining plant remains found in ancient Egyptian tombs in the Sinai to discover what plants and herbs they used as medicine.

Cientistas examinam restos de plantas encontradas em tumulos do antigo Egipto no Sinai para descobrir que plantas e ervas eles usavam na medicina.

Egyptian Mummies and Modern Science
Edited by Rosalie Ann David
University of Manchester

(ISBN-13: 9780521865791)

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