sábado, julho 16, 2011

Mummies and related ethics, discussions, informations, and facts

I reached the point where I am in the process of writing three (3) different papers at the same time.

The first (in time, as we researchers also have deadlines), is to be sent by August 15th. It is an article concerning a presentation about What can science and history learn from human remains and the dna tests done on ancient specimens. Brings me back to my past research on mummies. Learning is a process and memory a tool. Still, new data arise, and we need to collect them and include those in the statements we find relevant to the paper.

The second (in time), are my notes and presentation for the next CIPEG meeting in Poland, end of August, beginning of September, about the ethics of collecting, displaying and testing human remains. Again, mummy materials. Lots of true things to be said but I will not point fingers to any individual or institution, just main issues.

The third (in time) but first in deadline as time is an issue, is a research proposal for an intership abroad, most focused on my present research: Osiris and his association with the medicinal plants' list I built.

A new trip is being planned as it was not foreseen a week ago, but it seems advisable to go...

As a background template, I have a pile of books to read, take notes and integrate in my PhD writing and table. Also the database I am building with all my bibliography is not yet half done, as I have to introduce all magazines and books in shelves (and the new pile).

And I will not think about personal items to solve before September, and the fact that, this season (summer) is becoming the most awful time in the year for me, as most people don't work, places for leisure time are filled with crowds on holiday, school is out, so, tons of children and teenagers all over (noise, rubbish everywhere and mobs).

Still, the city is the best place to be in the summer, if you can be the master of your work and do not need a third party to carry on what you need to be done. Spa's and clinics are empty and have promotions weekly, which is a must for me. Buses and metro are also empty if you avoid rush hour. Shopping is a pleasure in the middle of the afternoon.

And I keep buying books...both online and on store when they have the week promotions. More trips to be planned and I am eager to try my new RIMOWA, bright lemon yellow!

Camera is resting, no pics for the new weeks, and computers are being updated, data is being recorded into the new external hard drive, and new movies are in my list to watch.

My new Egypt trip will be a blast and I have new friends to meet at the next conferences! What else can a girl wish for, working in what I love most?


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