Passado o prazo para envio de abstracts, todos que desejarem assistir podem faze-lo preenchendo e enviando o formulario que esta disponivel para download na pagina da conferencia.
Existem tambem os flyers da mesma que sao livres de serem impressos e distribuidos, tambem estao na pagina para download.
Ca vos esperamos!! No KNH Centre de Biomedicina para Egiptologia! Em Manchester!
Existem tambem os flyers da mesma que sao livres de serem impressos e distribuidos, tambem estao na pagina para download.
Ca vos esperamos!! No KNH Centre de Biomedicina para Egiptologia! Em Manchester!
Pagina da Universidade para visitantes:
Pagina do KNH Centre, onde se ira realizar o evento:
We are pleased to announce that the next CRE graduate conference will be held at the KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology, University of Manchester from the 9th to the 11th of January 2008.
http://www.current-research-egyptology.org.uk/index.htmCRE IX will include papers from students involved in graduate research on Ancient Egypt and Nubia in the following topics, ranging in time from the Predynastic to the Coptic Periods:
· archaeology · art and architecture· history and society· literature and language· religion· museum work· scientific analysis and conservation· history of Egyptology and 'Egyptomania'
The conference is open to all. We will especially welcome members of Egyptology societies, as well as anyone who is interested in any aspect of Ancient Egypt or Nubia.
If you feel you can publicise the conference in your department, university, workplace or other organisation, you can download an A4-sized flyer for the conference. You can print off as many copies of the flyer as you wish. Please put your flyers on suitable noticeboards, as responsibly as possible. http://www.current-research-egyptology.org.uk/index.htm
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