quinta-feira, abril 03, 2008

Queen Tiye—the favorite wife of Amenhotep III recently found at Luxor - a favorita de Amenhotep III, estátua colossal recentemente descoberta em Luxor

A 3.6-meter-tall quartzite figure attached to the broken-off leg of a much larger colossus of Amenhotep III.

The temple complex, which measures 700 meters in length, is near the famous great Colossi of Memnon—twin (21-meter) statues of Amenhotep III that flank the temple's entrance.

Dr. Hourig Sourouzian, the Project's Director, said evidence also exists of a quake during the Ramessid Period that followed the 18th dynasty, during the reign of Merenptah (1212-1203 B.C.).

The archaeological team also unearthed ten new statues of Sekhmet—the lion-headed goddess of warfare and healing. Since 2000, 84 statues of the goddess have been found at the complex, perhaps a sign that Amenhotep III's health was failing as he ruled into old age, according to Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.

Tem 3.6 m e é feita de quartzite, a estátua agarrada à perna partida dum colosso de Amenhotep III.

O complexo de 700 metros de comprimento, fica junto aos Colossos gémeos que localizavam a sua entrada.

A Dra Hourig Sourouzian, directora do Projecto, diz existirem provas dum terramoto durante o período Raméssida seguinte à XVIII dinastia, durante o eino de Meremptah (1212-1203 a. C.).

A equipa de arqueólogos também desenterrou dez novas estátuas de Sekhmet- a deusa com cabeça de leoa
da guerra e das curas. Desde 2000 já foram encontradas 84 estátuas no complexo, talvez um sinal de que a saúde de Amenhotep III falhava com os anos, segundo Zahi Hawass, secretário geral do Conselho Supremo de Antiguidades.

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