sábado, novembro 01, 2008

DUSANE symposium

Leiden excavations website:

The DUSANE symposium at the (exact Location is the Lipsius-building of Leiden University, of which the address is: Cleveringaplaats 1 in Leiden - map on the left, http://www.hum.leiden.edu/lucl/visiting-address.jsp) takes a broad regional coverage, covering an area stretching from the Bosphorus to the Iranian highlands, from the Black Sea to the valley of the Nile. It covers an enormous time-range, from the earliest human settlements in the region to the modern period. Our speakers include directors of current key archaeological research projects, Assyriologists, and material specialists.

Together they will illustrate the wide topical, methodological, and interpretative diversity that is characteristic of Dutch archaeological research in the region.
For more information: dusane.symp@gmail.com

Dutch archaeology in the Middle East is practiced in the Netherlands at a number of universities, museums, and foreign institutes in various Near Eastern capitals.

Universiteit van Amsterdamhttp://cf.hum.uva.nl/archeologie/

Centre for Computer-aided Egyptological Researchhttp://www.ccer.nl/


Rijksmuseum van Oudhedenhttp://www.rmo.nl/

Allard Pierson Museumhttp://cf.uba.uva.nl/apm/

Bijbels Openlucht Museumwww.bijbelsopenluchtmuseum.nl/

Foreign institutes:

Nederlands Instituut Academische Studies Damascuswww.niasd.org/

Nederlands-Vlaams Instituut Cairowww.nvic.leidenuniv.nl/

Nederlands Instituut Istanbulwww.leidenuniv.nl/nino/nino.html

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